Student Credit Cards Tips and Tricks

Student credit cards are made with the student in mind. If you’re in high school and college and would like to build your credit or begin to take advantage of the convenience of credit cards, then you might be interested in applying for one of these. It’s one way to help you save money while you’re away at college or simply a way to check your expenses and keep your finances clear and in check.

Why should you apply for a student credit card? There are a variety of reasons that one can think of when getting a credit card. It can be as simple as wanting to build good credit or something as easy as you saving up for the new Ipod.

Why are there student credit cards around, anyway? This is because you are part of one of the biggest markets around: the youth. You are a viable, money spending member of society. What you don’t want to become is a debt-ridden member of the student world. Remember, student debt can go up to $3000 if you’re not careful. The trick is to be careful and to spend your money wisely so you don’t end up in debt before you hit 25. You don’t want to spend thousands and end up paying all of it back forever.

The best way to do it is to find a great card that you can afford and one that you can easily pay back without hassle.

Look for:

Low interest rates. This is number one when you’re looking for a credit card. The lower the interest rate, the better you can manage your money even if you don’t pay the whole balance off.
Great rewards that you can take advantage of. It’s pointless to use a card that, say, offers hotel discounts if you don’t stay in hotels anyway. Finding a card that will give you the rewards you want makes all the difference.
Easy terms. You don’t want to end up in debt because you missed out on reading that they can jack up your interest rate because of one missed payment. Flexible, great terms are out there, you just have to look for them.
Low fees. You might not be able to avoid that annual fee if you’re new to the credit game. But finding a card with no or low annual fees can be easy if you just do your homework. If you already have a credit rating you up your chances of getting a card with no annual fee at all.

There are many other perks you should look for: anti-fraud and liability insurance in case of false charges or loss of the card. One of the best things that you can get with your card is great customer service. You will eventually need to call in for something or other. Excellent customer service can make all the difference in the world. After all, who wants to talk to a surly agent on the line that won’t lift a finger to help you? Follow these tips and you’ll find a great card that you can easily use and enjoy!

See: Card Credit Student